How to make students and parents proud every year

I have done a lot of fun projects including an iPad 1:1 initiative, started Yoga with my kids, translated and implemented the Daily 5 into my teaching, Made a class blog, every student of mine has a blog, gone to the senior center to have the kids read for the senior citizens and so much more but what I am most proud of is probably a great tradition at my school, Árskóli in Sauðárkrókur Iceland where all students perform a play on the big stage in town every year from 1-10th grade (elementary school in Iceland).What I have also done is record, edit and add subtitles to the play and send it to the parents for them to keep.Here is our newest play which I just finished editing and sending to the parents, during one of the cloudy days in Iceland this summer.When the Robbers came to Cardamom Town (in Icelandic).. but you see the point: