How to help students develop literacy habits that lead to a lifetime of independent literacy
When I visited Big Hollow Elementary School, Ingleside, IL. USA and met with Amie Lynn she told me about a literacy method called the Daily 5.I was so intrigued with the way she described the Daily 5 so after my visit I bought the book on the Daily 5 and finished it within a week.
In short, the Daily Five is a series of literacy tasks (reading to self, reading with someone, writing, word work, and listening to reading) which students complete daily while the teacher meets with small groups or confers with individuals.When I returned to my 2nd grade classroom in Árskóli I started implementing the Daily 5 into our literacy work.We started implementing each part slowly and it took about a month or two for each part. We started with reading to self and when everybody had the ability to read to themselves for about 30 minutes we were ready to move onto the next part which was reading with someone. When everybody had that down for around 30 minutes we could implement the next part and so on. This process for us took almost the whole of 2nd grade, since our school day only runs from 8.10-12.40 we only did the daily 5 once every day so it was more of a Weekly 5 for us. On top of that we were also running another approach called Beginning literacy which all of the 1-3 grade classes at my school participated in so the Daily 5 was on top of that, mostly instead of workbooks and endless amount of "busywork".Here is a short video I created that covers, in short, the basics the Daily 5: we started the 3rd grade (I loop with my students) we started the Daily 5 and put it into our every day literacy unit along with Beginning literacy. I created a magnetic board for my students to keep track of what part of the Daily 5 they had finished that week.
We had the Daily 5, and I translated it to Icelandic and created our own Magnet Board, projects, posters and so on and I can't say it enough but WE LOVE THE DAILY 5.I could write so much more on the Daily 5 but instead I decided to create videos on each part of the Daily 5 because:
"A picture says more than a 1000 words but a video says more than a 1000 pictures".
Enjoy: Hrannar ÓmarssonIcelandic Elementary TeacherFollow @ingviomarsson