Blogging for 10+ years
I started my own blog back in 2011 when I was teaching 1st grade in Iceland. It grew out of my own need to connect with other educators and get to reflect on my thoughts and ideas.
For the longest time, nobody read this blog. That was ok because it wasn’t really for other people. It was for me to organize my thoughts and keep them… Kind of like an open journal.
Gradually more and more teachers, parents and school leaders began finding the blog and it blew up in 2014 when I wrote the article: 14 things that are obsolete in 21st century schools. The post got over 130.000 likes on Facebook and over 2 million visits and was shared by the likes of Sir Ken Robinson and others.
Since then it became the home base for my thoughts, ideas, podcast and a way for me to both share what I was doing but also what other teachers and school leaders were doing.