
Since 2014, I have recorded and published over 100 podcast episodes, for my podcasts Menntavarp (for Icelandic audiences) and reposted the ones in English under The Innovative Educator Podcast. My initial idea was to have an excuse to call up or sit down with some of the finest educational thinkers, and share their insights with the teacher community.

Recording over 100 episodes was a great learning experience and really taught me a lot about listening and asking questions. It was a great way for me to connect with thought leaders and friends and also invite a wider audience of isolated teachers to our conversations!

Listen to the podcast

You can listen to every single episode here

It may not be available on Spotify or Apple Podcast any longer since I archived the episodes and discontinued the service 3 years after the show ended. I saved them on Dropbox however if anyone wants to dig up an old favorite!


TV work and appearences


Blogging for 10+ years