Utís Online EduCon

Founded in 2020, the Utís Online Educational Conference assembles the finest educational thinkers, every other year, to foster conversations and innovative educational concepts across the Icelandic school system.

In 2015, the Utís Education Conference was started, but in 2020 we hosted the first online version of it. Now the online conference and in-person one alternate every other year. The next Utís Online will be held September 20-21st 2024

As creator and director of Utís, my role is focused primarily on event strategy, video production, designing conference materials, marketing the event and connecting the education community in Iceland with each other.

Utís Online Reflection Book

Every conference, we design and print reflection books for every attendee. Each book is filled with sketchnotes, reflection questions and useful information. It’s a work of art!

The Watch Parties 🎉

A big part of Utís Online are the watch parties! In 2022 over 100 schools held watch parties for their staff to participate in Utís Online together. We provide each participating school with food and drinks in order to make it more of a shared activity to participate in an online event.

The video (in Icelandic) shows a glimpse of what a watch party looks like!

Icelandic Educational Awards

The conference and community received the Icelandic Educational Awards in 2020 at the presidents residence in Iceland for outstanding support to the Icelandic educational community.


Utís Educational Conference


TV work and appearences