Keynotes & workshops
Keynotes around the world
I’ve had the privilege of travelling all over the world speaking mainly about education and how to lead our schools and school systems into the future.
Some of the places include:
Barcelona, Spain
New Orleans, USA
Bangkok, Thailand
Stockholm, Sweden
Copenhagen, Denmark
London, England
Reykjavik, Iceland
Over the years, I have led over 100 workshops for school leaders, teachers, students and small business owners both in Iceland and worldwide.
Some of the topics include:
Preparing our students for their students instead of our past.
Finding the purpose / Why do we do what we do?
Rethinking schools - Setting the educational policy
Innovative schools / innovative classrooms
Leading with literature - teaching everything through novels
Using technology creatively in the elementary classroom
AR & VR in the classroom
Storytelling by coding with Sphero
Championing Google for Education
The power of the iPad in students hands
Empower yourself with Apple technologies
Using Seesaw to transform student learning
Design and creativity
Designing with and for a purpose
Design thinking for educators
Sketchnoting as a way to learn
Building escape rooms - building a team
Interactive tech in the classroom with Makey Makey
Do more with cardboard - Using MakeDo to design & build
Marketing your small business